“East Meets West” Performance Night on 11/3/2018

The theme of “East Meets West” holds profound significance in our cultural narrative. As the Chinese community thrives in The Woodlands, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to the broader Woodlands community. This town’s inclusive ethos and embrace of multiculturalism have provided us with fertile ground to flourish, enriching not only our own lives but also contributing to the vibrant cultural tapestry of The Woodlands and its surroundings.

When we conceived the theme, little did we anticipate the profound resonance it would hold, particularly for the Chinese teachers within the CISD High Schools. Individuals like Jenny Jihua Jian at The Woodlands High School, Carol Lee at The Woodlands College Park High School, Ping Jiang at Conroe High School, Ming Gao and Jessie Pack at Oak Ridge High School and Grand Oaks High School, are excited about providing their students with a platform to showcase their love for Chinese arts and culture. They are eager to foster cultural exchange and encourage their students to express their understanding of Chinese culture and arts in their own unique ways. We hope this experience will equip these students with the skills and perspective needed for global leadership.

During the event preparations, we had the privilege of meeting Ms. Nell Calloway and Mr. Mike Chennault, grandchildren of the esteemed Flying Tigers commander, Lieutenant General Claire Lee Chennault. General Chennault played a pivotal role in assisting China during World War II. Additionally, we were delighted to encounter Ms. Krista Cobb, the great-niece of Mr. Edgar Snow, the renowned Western journalist known for his influential reporting on China. Both General Chennault and Mr. Snow were staunch advocates for fostering understanding and friendship between China and the West. Nell, Mike, and Krista continue to honor their grandparents’ legacies by promoting mutual understanding and friendship between our two great nations.

We view this themed event as an opportunity to express our gratitude to those Americans who have contributed to China’s well-being and advocate for the preservation of our shared legacies. We believe that by working together, East and West can foster greater understanding through arts and culture, thereby contributing to a more harmonious world. We are immensely grateful for the unwavering support of institutions like The Woodlands High School, whose staff, including Mr. Paul LeBlanc and Mr. Timothy Jackubek, have been instrumental in facilitating our performances. Their dedication and generosity have made our partnership truly rewarding.

Living in The Woodlands, with its openness and diversity, is a privilege we do not take for granted. We are grateful for the respect our culture receives and for the support we receive from entities like The Woodlands Township, the Woodlands Area Chamber of Commerce, and Lone Star College. To all our supporters, volunteers, performers, and donors, we extend our heartfelt thanks. Your contributions have made a profound difference and have helped bring our vision to life. Special thanks to David Sun, Xin Hu, Yafei Wu, Yan Zhu, Feng Gao, Jennifer Majors Baca, Zhenming Song, Huiming Gu, and Deqing Yang for their invaluable support and dedication.

林城( Woodlands) “2018遇见东方”大型晚会圆满成功
林城中国文化中心(The Woodlands Chinese Cultural Center)秉着丰富社区多文化生活,以及让喜欢中华文化与艺术的美国人有机会展现他们的热爱,和实现人人参与宣传中华文化的愿望,于 11月3日组织发起,并邀请北休斯敦华人协会以及林城高中共同举办了“2018遇见东方”大型晚会,获得了巨大的成功!千人场地座无虚席,20个节目3个小时的演出,让人流连忘返。四位金发碧眼的主持人大方幽默的中英文节目串场解说,让观众不时发出阵阵欢声笑语。
晚会在鼓声由慢到快由轻到重,声声置地振奋人心中拉开了序幕。“龙狮欢腾”热闹开场 ,是少林寺文化中心的释延禅法师特地为晚会设计的,非常多的美国观众反映该节目太震撼了!
三重唱“我爱你中国”,魔术“变服装”,民乐“花儿与少年”等节目是当地华人与高中以及孤星大学的美国学生,共同完成的节目,他们配合的天衣无缝!在此特别说明,民乐“花儿与少年”是由林城民乐团演出的,该乐团被孤星大学(Lone Star College)很荣幸地命名为“客座艺术团”。同时该校音乐系为乐队提供免费设施与设备使用。乐团定期在学校排练,已有美国大学生加入乐团,欢迎更多的民乐手和西洋乐手参加。
休斯敦以及林城地区有名望的华人表演团体也参加了这次表演盛会,其中有陈毓玲领导的休斯敦民乐团,表演了“步步高”,“山丹丹花开红艳艳”,气势庞大!由原东方歌舞团国家一级演员李玉萍老师指导的林城舞蹈队,表演了古典舞“彩云追月” ,舞美景美人也美!模特儿出身的朱妍老师编排了仙气十足的服装走秀“衣冠上国”,10小朋友汉服加身,随着赵子瑩老师飘然欲仙的古琴音乐起落,款款而来飘飘而去,好美!王鑫老师率领书尚古筝俱乐部的姐妹,登台表演了“关山月”和“笑傲江湖”,气贯长虹!
值得一提的是 “南泥湾” 独唱歌手是 Krista Cobb女士,用民族唱法和美声唱法同时演绎这首歌,声情并茂,再配上自编自导的舞蹈,如果不看她的金发碧眼,还以为就是一位中国妞呐!她对中国的文化一往情深,是因为她的舅爷是中国人民的老朋友美国记者斯诺先生,她从小耳闻目染中国文化。