Symposium on 10/19/2018: “Father & Son: A Chinese American Story”

Amidst the turbulence in both the U.S. and Chinese stock markets and growing concerns about U.S./China relations, The Woodlands Chinese Cultural Center organized a symposium featuring Retired Major General William S. Chen. The event aimed to shed light on the proud history of U.S.-China aviation friendship, particularly through the lens of Mr. Chen’s father, against the backdrop of General Chennault Flying Tiger Academy’s first-anniversary celebration. The symposium took place from 7:00-9:00 P.M. on Friday, October 19th, 2018.

With heartfelt passion, Mr. Chen recounted his father’s remarkable story and mission, emphasizing key traits shared by both father and son: Passion, Ambition, and Drive. Both generations pursued careers uncommon for Chinese Americans, ascended to leadership roles, interacted with top government officials, and paved the way for future generations.

Moon, like many Chinese Americans of the Greatest Generation, served in the U.S. armed forces during World War II before transitioning to civilian careers. He exemplified skills, competence, loyalty, and patriotism, opening doors for Chinese Americans in the post-war era. Despite being an ABC (American-born Chinese), Moon proudly proclaimed his heritage: “我是中国人” (I am Chinese).

Moreover, Moon actively contributed to aviation efforts in his ancestral homeland, advocating for Chinese Americans to assimilate into American society while maintaining ties to their cultural roots. Through his and his father’s endeavors, they left a lasting legacy of bridging cultures and advancing opportunities for future generations of Chinese Americans.

Image descriptions:

1st image: Mr. Moon Chen, the father in the story, standing fourth from the left in the back row.

2nd image: Ms. Nell Callway, granddaughter of General Claire Chennault, and Mr. Mike Chennault, grandson of General Claire Chennault.

3rd image: Mr. Ray Vineyard, a 94-year-old veteran of the Flying Tigers, along with his wife Mrs. Rudy Vineyard (one of the four surviving Flying Tigers), and Dr. Leroy Chiao, former NASA astronaut.

4th image: A corner of the venue.

5th image: From left to right, Mr. Ed Gor, Chairman of the Houston Asian American Alliance; Ms. Jennifer Majors Baca, Representative of The Woodlands Chamber of Commerce/The Woodlands Chinese Cultural Center Director; Major General William S. Chen, the keynote speaker; Ms. Veronica Bai, Chairwoman of The Woodlands Chinese Cultural Center; Judge Stout, Executive Director of the General Claire Chennault Aviation Military Museum.

6th image: From right to left, Dr. Li Wei, a professor at Lone Star College, and his wife; Ms. Krista Cobb, whose uncle was the American journalist Mr. Edgar Snow, a longtime friend of the Chinese people.

8th image: Mr. John Brown, Secretary of the Woodlands Township Board.

9th image: Interestingly, there are two father-son pairs in the audience. Can you guess who they are?

10th image: Mr. Aaron Wang, Dean of the General Claire Chennault Flying Tiger Academy. 11th image: Mr. Mo Rolfs, Executive Director of the General Claire Chennault Flying Tiger Academy.

10月19日林城文化中心在陈纳德将军飞虎队航空学院,组织了一场“父亲与我”的讲座, 主讲人是美国第一位华人少将陈绍章(William S. Chen). 他运用对比的方法,生动地展现了他与父亲陈熊文先生(Moon Chen)在生活和事业上的追求。父亲陈熊文先生是第二代移民,经历了生活窘迫磨难,却不放下学业,1932年毕业于密西根大学航空工程专业,1935年作为航空公司的飞行员飞到中国上海和北京工作。在上海巧遇教育家张寿镛的女儿并在1937年喜结连理,同年加入克莱尔·陈纳德将军带领下的第14空军(飞虎队),为中国的抗日胜利立下了不可磨灭的功劳!二战回美后,工作在中美民用和军用航空事业的前沿,直到1980年。作为第三代移民的陈绍章少将,1961 年毕业于密西根大学航空航天专业。 毕业后参军从事导弹与武器技术开发工作,直到1993年退伍。后以高管主管等职位从事国防事业,直至2011年。父与子共同的特点是对生活和事业充满着激情,为中美的航空事业不懈余力,为中美友好长存倾注全力。陈将军说“尽管我是ABC, 但是一直认为我是中国人”。

第一张: 左第四位(站后排)是故事中的父亲陈熊文先生(Moon Chen)
第二张: 陈纳德将军外孙女Nell Callway女士,以及陈纳德将军的孙子Mike Chennault先生
第三张: 飞虎队老兵94岁高龄的Ray Vineyard先生, 以及夫人Rudy Vineyard女士(飞虎队老兵现只有四位在世了),右一为前美国航空航天宇航员Leroy Chiao博士
第五张: 从左到右,休斯顿亚裔联盟主席Ed Gor先生, 林城区商会代表/林城中国文化中心理事 Jennifer Majors Baca女士,演讲人陈绍章少将(William S. Chen),林城中国文化中心主席白芸女士(Veronica Bai), 陈纳德航空军事博物馆执行官 Judge Stout先生
第六张:右起,孤星大学教授李纬博士夫妇,中间是Krista Cobb女士, 她的舅爷是中国人民的老朋友美国记者斯诺先生(Edgar Snow)
第八张: 右一是林城政府董事会秘书长John Brown先生
第十张:左一是陈纳德将军飞行学院院长 王先华先生(Aaron Wang)
第十一张:陈纳德将军飞行学院执行长 Mo Rolfs 先生