The Woodlands Cultural Arts Heritage Festival on 11/5/2017

The Woodlands aimed to showcase its diversity and cultural richness through The First Annual Cultural and Heritage Festival held on 11/5/2017 from Noon to 4:00 pm. The theme for the event was “AncesTree,” intending to encourage community members of all ages to participate in an art project at Market Street that would evolve into a beautiful permanent mural installation.

The festival celebrated ethnic and local heritage and culture, featuring food, music, arts, and family-friendly educational displays. The Woodlands Chinese Cultural Center (TWCCC) took charge of the Chinese segment, being the largest participating group. TWCCC collaborated with local Chinese organizations, including The Woodlands Chinese School, Texas Phoenix International School, The North Houston Chinese Association, Shao Lin Kung Fu Cultural Center, and the International Chen Style Tai Chi Center, to bring four activities to the event:

  1. 45-minute Chinese performance program
  2. Taste of Traditional Chinese Snack Food
  3. Cultural Entertainment for Children
  4. Comments on “AncesTree”

The 45-minute Chinese performance program included:

  • Children’s Cheongsam (Qi Pao) Dance
  • Women’s Choir
  • Chinese traditional instrument Erhu Solo
  • Chen Style Tai Chi
  • Tibet Folk Dance
  • Chinese traditional music
  • Shaolin Kung Fu

Our participants did an incredible job entertaining and captivating all audiences.

A heartfelt thank you to all volunteers from The Chinese Language Club of The Woodlands High School and College Park High School! We also received donations totaling $2050 during the event, for which we are immensely grateful!

1. 45分钟的民族文化表演:呈现了精美的民族服装,动听的中国歌曲合唱,欢快的民族舞蹈,悠扬的民族乐器演奏,动静飘然的太极拳,震撼人心的少林武术, 以及幽默互动的狮子舞表演。精彩的表演深受欢迎。
2. “我的祖先”寄语树:一段话语写在树叶形状的纸上,挂满树枝。当天结束后,The Woodlands Arts Council收集整理,并将铸造成一雕塑墙,永久摆放在Woodlands城内。非常有意义。
3. 体验中华文化:通过游戏的方式,如画脸谱,起中国名字,写毛笔字等,深受孩子们的喜爱。原生态环保精美手工画展,更是让游人驻步留连观赏。
4. 中华小食品:喷香诱人的宫廷小吃,吸引游客咂嘴称赞。
节目精彩,食物精美,艺术品精湛,宣传到位,义工给力,游戏有趣,树叶寄语挂满枝头. 感谢所有人的辛勤劳动和通力合作!